Much more than a performance monitor.

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You haven't seen an IT infrastructure that way before.

Why is TRIN[IT]Y so much more than just a regular Performance Monitor? You always know precisely where you are with your IT. TRIN[IT]Y enables you to gain a unique manufacturer-independent End-2-End performance overview across all systems of your entire IT landscape. The clear layout of the graphs assists you in detecting errors, making decisions, budget planning and provides a clear perspective of future developments.

Performance management in 3 steps


Once the system stops working, every second counts in today’s 24×7 world. You need to gain insight swiftly and act accordingly in order to avoid any further damage, enormous costs and efforts. TRIN[IT]Y protects your IT infrastructure way beyond the capability of other Performance Monitors. Speed of response thanks to clarity, is the best guarantee to avoid digital disasters. The more metrics and factors can be included, the safer the system will be.


Detect anomalies before they turn into problems. After an initial learning phase TRIN[IT]Y uses Artificial Intelligence to predict any significant change in the key system parameters, long before any regular alarms are triggered. Instead of relying on guesswork, gazing into a crystal ball or reading coffee grounds, you can now make your decisions accurately, based on hard facts and their dynamics. TRIN[IT]Y not only assists you with your maintenance, management and budget planning, it does so much more – when you know the future, there is no room for unwanted surprises!


Develop and future-proof your business with a greater sense of security. Realistic and early planning of investments and innovations brings with it a significant market advantage. The data and opportunities that TRIN[IT]Y provides you with, allow your business to look ahead and remain a reliable and stable player in today’s fast paced market.

Tired of bothering with your old IT management?

You can also try TRIN[IT]Y as a test version - see for yourself!

Performance management with top services

External Storage:

  • Front End/Back End I/O Rate Data Rate Transferred Data
  • Cache Utilization Read/Write
  • System CPU
  • LUN Utilization
  • Configuration

FC Switch:

  • Port Utilization
  • Error Statistics
  • Configuration


  • NPIV Physical Adapter Virtual Adapter
  • SEA Physical Adapter Virtual Adapter
  • Configuration

Client LPAR:

  • I/O Information Response Time Disk Utilization
  • LAN Utilization
  • CPU Utilization Application Information


  • Configuration
  • Detailed LPAR Utilization
  • I/O Utilization
  • Total Server Utilization

User Experience Monitoring:

  • Application Simulation (Web and FAT Client)
  • Runtime Measurement of all executed steps

Benefit from these advantages through this IT infrastructure optimization

View up to 5 metrics in one graph

What is special about TRIN[IT]Y? You gain a clear overview of your manufacturer-independent data collection (e. g. NMON, HMC, SAN switch, power ans x86 server, storage, hypervisor, etc.) across all systems. A vast amount of additional data, such as application and resource data can be integrated into the standard visualization. Thanks to innovative features like quick navigation, zoom bar, mouseover function for detailed data, table view, downloads and much more, TRIN[IT]Y simplifies your day-to-day work life experience considerably. You and your team save time, money and consternation.

Individually adaptable graphs

You would like to focus on the performance and cost drivers? With TRIN[IT]Y you are able to select the exact data of interest – from each system and over two separate time ranges. Different units and intervals are aligned on a time axis and thus made comparable. Pre-defined graphs for each platform offer transparency and clarity. Values may be shown or hidden, according to your requirements. Adjust line widths and colors individually. Set minimum/maximum values and design your overview page according to your preference: as tiles, list or tabs. TRIN[IT]Y does all of this for you, intuitively and is quick and easy to operate.

Find the root cause instead of fighting symptoms

With its End-2-End User Performance Experience Monitoring, TRIN[IT]Y is overseeing all relevant parameters. You are given the ability to see the duration of a specific calculation process or an end-of-month accounts process. The swift, deep and predictable insight into the various areas enables you to accelerate the process of finding errors and prevent them in advance. When you know the root cause of an issue, you can act accordingly to avoid the symptoms from appearing altogether.

Do you want to take your IT performance management to the next level?

Then get in touch and benefit from TRIN[IT]Y!

More benefits for your IT infrastruckture

SAN Networkview
SAN Networkview

Automated SAN network view

The visual representation of the entire SAN fibre channel landscape is based on the actual system configuration. TRIN[IT]Y illustrates the big picture in a clear image of the virtual connections, physical cabling from the SAN fibre channel switch to the tape drive or the external storage. You are now able to check at any given time whether the configuration is set up correctly as planned and according to your specifications. This will allow you to pinpoint any potential single point of failure within your infrastructure and address any weaknesses accordingly.

Alarm through Artificial Intelligence

TRIN[IT]Y allows you to set your own thresholds and receive individually adjustable alert emails that are linked directly to the respective detailed view. You decide the threshold levels, how often you want to be notified, when the threshold is reached and at what stage you want to be alerted. Log files are used in the tracking of alerts. The system learns from these log files and makes predictive alerts possible. TRIN[IT]Y compares past and present time intervals and alerts independently when deviations from previous standard values are identified. TRIN[IT]Y thereby gives you a helping hand with monitoring, thanks to its built-in Artificial Intelligence.

Simple implementation

Let yourself be inspired from the first moment with TRIN[IT]Y’S plug & play experience. Where once it used to take days to implement a Performance Monitor, TRIN[IT]Y’S installation is truly fast, effective and simple. Just 30 minutes and you’re up and running. TRIN[IT]Y is multi-lingual, agent-less, browser based and provides a granular authorization and role system (on a location, a system, as well as a function level) which you are then able to adjust to your specific requirements.
Einfache Implementierung

Failure analysis within minutes

Identifying errors in your system is so much faster with TRIN[IT]Y compared to other Performance Monitors. In the event of any IT disaster, the automated standardized and manufacturer-independent documentation of your IT infrastructure, provides you with a comprehensive display of your system components within a few minutes. Thanks to the great efficiency and minimal space requirements of the InfluxDB, TRIN[IT]Y accelerates the search and enables a display of several years of historical data. This allows you to identify developments and to substantiate them, by means of a simple analysis of the historical changes made to the configuration. With this information now at hand, you are able to measure its impact and draw conclusions for future decisions.

Automated reporting

TRIN[IT]Y shows you at a glance how your IT infrastructure is being utilized. It also provides you with practical and personally adjustable reports. This way you always know what resources are available to you, where and when you should invest and how the overall condition of your system is evolving. You are able to compile your own graphs to this effect and store as templates. TRIN[IT]Y allows you to export your reports as images, CSVs or as Excel files to make further processing as easy, flexible and effective as possible. Management Report graphs may be exported automatically at any given time.

Artificial Intelligence instead of hardware

Artificial Intelligence is the modern approach to rapid problem solving. Where hardware is no longer able to resolve issues, Artificial Intelligence excels and is now called upon. TRIN[IT]Y behaves like a forensic tool, delving into the matrix of your IT infrastructure, to scrutinize and analyse its performance in minutes. TRIN[IT]Y’s Artificial Intelligence is able to predict when particular events will be taking place and displays the future for you as a graphical trend line.

Anymore questions? Or do you want to try the IT performance monitoring tool TRIN[IT]Y right away?

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