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Everything in focus

A Performance Monitor that surpasses itself

There is no better motivation than your very own need. We developed TRIN[IT]Y driven by our own urge to find the “egg-laying-woolly-milk-sow”, yet unable to find it anywhere. TRIN[IT]Y very rapidly became a success story. More and more new features were asked for and TRIN[IT]Y surpassed itself. Even at this very moment we are working meticulously on ways of developing and defining performance monitoring afresh and thus aiming to continuously meet the actual requirements of modern IT with TRIN[IT]Y.

Stability with preventive protection

Other Performance Monitors tend to show single metrics of different systems and specific points in time only. With TRIN(IT)Y we were determined to make it possible to show a clear graphical summary of all relevant data, in order to make life easier for all of us. Now, all systems from external storage to virtual servers are scanned and put together just like the pieces of a huge puzzle. All of this data can now be connected and displayed together. This way you now get the whole picture, enabling you to manage your entire IT infrastructure, in a reliable and stable manner, so that you can be prepared in advance for any future events.

Pretty much all elements of an IT landscape have their own Performance Monitor – although their data is displayed in many different and complicated ways.

With TRIN[IT]Y it has always been our aim to make it more user-friendly, so that data can be prepared and presented in a way that both IT personnel, as well as managers, can gain a clear insight into their infrastructure and connections. This 360-degree insight allows the abundance of data created in any IT infrastructure to now be compared and interpreted comprehensively. Faults will now be detected faster, decisions made more profoundly, investments planned more intelligently, and budgets prepared more sustainably.

Data Collection – anyone can do that

Many happy customers are using TRIN[IT]Y

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