logo trinity
Reliability through insight


Facts instead of crystal ball


Growth with full backing


05:0007:3010:0012:30IOPSMB/ s ms%B/ s D a t e/ T ime R esponse T ime – 48,5 ms

Up to 5 graphs

in one clear graph

Combinable across systems and manufacturer-independent

Smart alerting

Monitoring of all IT components in one single tool

Failure analysis within minutes

Automated documentation

00:0000:0012:0012:0018:0018:0006:0006:0000:0012:0018:0006:00% CPU 12/04/202 1 06:12 Server 1 CPU – 10% 12/04/202 1 15:15 Server 1 CPU – 83%

Continuous utilization
level monitoring of
your IT infrastructure

Automated detection of anomalies through Artificial Intelligence

Simple installation

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